
Swathi College of pharmacy recognises the importance of library in education and research. It has established very spacious library with enriching all types of resources ranging from printed materials to electronic database. The library serves as the central hub for knowledge, boasting an extensive collection of books, journals, magazines, and periodicals. Spanning 150 square meters, our library is fully automated with ILMS, Smart College Admin software and connected to a digital library and following as per the procedure mentioned in the Maintenance Policy. Following Pharmacy Council of India norms, the library is staffed with a Librarian, Assistant Librarian, and Technical Assistant to ensure smooth operations and book issuance. Separate registers are maintained for accession, book issuance and returns for staff and students, and daily entries. The library operates from 8:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. on all working days, and from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on Sundays. During examination periods, hours are extended upon student request. The digital library offers access to e-journals and e-books, including resources like Knimbus (18,000 journals), Micromedex (over 4,500 drug profiles), and Experimental Pharmacology Series software. This facility supports learning with continuous internet access for students and staff. Our library features over 5,000 textbooks, reference books, national and international journals, periodicals, and other online resources. In line with PCI requirements, 500 titles and 1,500 volumes are required for B. Pharmacy (100 intake) and Pharm. D. (30 intake) programs. Currently the library has 1,248 titles and 6,977 volumes for B. Pharm. and Pharm. D. Programs. For M. Pharmacy, PCI norms require 50 titles and 100 volumes per branch; we exceed this with 296 titles and 810 volumes overall. Altogether, our library holds 1,544 titles and 7,787 volumes. The library can accommodate over 100 students at a time and offers 15 computer terminals with the latest software and free internet access. It is equipped with printing and photocopying facilities for student convenience and is well-furnished for comfort. Free internet and downloading facilities are available to all students. Additionally, the college has library at department level, departmental library, for individual PG departments, ensuring easy access and reference. These departmental libraries occupy 100 square feet each and feature separate sections for book issuance and returns, reading, references, and online access. The library operates on a free-access system, allowing students to browse and select the books they need.
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