From Director's Desk..

It is a great pleasure and honor for me to serve as the Director of Swathi Educational Trust (SET) founded in 2007 by Sri K. Sassidhar reddy a successful businessman in association with Mrs. K. Rupa Reddy and Mr. Kuppa Reddy as co-founders.
As SET works diligently to realize its mission of providing the best learning, teaching and research opportunities to students and academicians alike, it continues to supply students with the basics of modern knowledge and high values.
We are confident that all our efforts will grow into significant epitomes of achievements in the larger academic parlance. Hopefully, our effort in the area pharmaceutical field will produce fruitful results in academic innovation, top-tier journal publications and citations.
Amongst students’ creativity, collective work and competition domestically, regionally and internationally thrive. SET stands committed to the practice of academic freedom and encourages cultural diversity as it continues to attract students and faculty.
On the bedrock of our core values, we will continue to scale up over the next decade to build SCP as an international repute.